Visit to @MediaLabYYC

After the SMBYYC, I had a chance to check out MediaLabYYC’s facilities at the Bridge in downtown Calgary. MediaLab is an all purpose multimedia studio, inspired by Youtube Space LA (Toronto, NY, etc). You can go there and record podcasts, and daily Youtube shows, they have lighting, cameras, a green screen and a series of editing computers, plus a booth to do clean sound. I got to Meet Kyle Marshall (MediaLabYYC President) who gave me a brief tour.

Check out
@medialabyyc on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
and @thekylemarshall on IG

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A Tale of 2 Film Jurisdictions: Calgary and Toronto. Two recent moves by local Government highlight what studios are dealing with. CL Western Town in Rockyview County, AB and Showline Studios in Toronto, ON.

from Hangarcat Podcast
via Hangarcat Podcast