My thoughts on Xennials

My thoughts on Xennials. Born between 1977 – 1983. I was fine with being Generation X.

Hangarcatmedia is a Digital Production Service Company based out of Calgary, AB Canada.
Hangarcatmedia does Audio, Video, Social Media, Design and more.
Hangarcatmedia habla Español.

Follow me at @hangarcatmedia on Twitter, Facebook and on the web and @hangarcat on IG, thanks for listening!

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VR Storytelling

After last month’s SMBYYC () where Shaun Crawford (MammothVR) talked about VR and AR and where’s it going, my head started spinning about how it can be used to tell stories. A point was raised that traditional filmmakers are hesitant to embrace it because they like to direct the attention of the viewer and there’s too much freedom in the 360 world. It made me think of this: Picture that scene in Children of Men, where Clive Owen makes his way through a battlefield but in complete immersive 360 VR.

The viewer’s POV is directed via the sounds that surround him, the bullets whizzing by, the explosions and cries in the distance. It would be amazing.

And of course, someone did it already. The New York Times did an 11min long doc film with an embedded journalist following iraqi troops in Fallujah, the best way to view this, is to either use Cardboard or a VR headset.

Wow. This is the future of storytelling!

Visit to @MediaLabYYC

After the SMBYYC, I had a chance to check out MediaLabYYC’s facilities at the Bridge in downtown Calgary. MediaLab is an all purpose multimedia studio, inspired by Youtube Space LA (Toronto, NY, etc). You can go there and record podcasts, and daily Youtube shows, they have lighting, cameras, a green screen and a series of editing computers, plus a booth to do clean sound. I got to Meet Kyle Marshall (MediaLabYYC President) who gave me a brief tour.

Check out
@medialabyyc on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
and @thekylemarshall on IG

Be Kind

Watching Patton Oswalt’s special this weekend, these words really got to me.

She hated the phrase “everything happens for a reason,” he says. “It’s all chaos, it’s all random, and it’s horrifying, and if you want to try and reduce the horror, and reduce the chaos, be kind. That’s all you can do.” Patton oswalt

She hated the phrase “everything happens for a reason,” he says. “It’s all chaos, it’s all random, and it’s horrifying, and if you want to try and reduce the horror, and reduce the chaos, be kind. That’s all you can do.”

Patton Oswalt, quoting his late wife, Michelle McNamara in ‘Annihilation’ (2017)